Tips to make roads safer for motorcycles

During spring cleanup

  • Sweep up all loose sand and debris from the roads. Sand and loose gravel on the pavement can be especially dangerous because it can cause motorcyclists to lose control.
  • Be mindful of low shoulders and depleted gravel—get graders out and reclaim shoulders, and compact them the best you can.
man riding away on a motorcycle on a two way highway

During construction and maintenance activities

  • Be mindful of abrupt elevation changes, such as uneven pavement lanes during paving.
  • Use care when replacing underground utilities. Pave trenches as soon as possible; a temporary patch is much safer than a gravel patch. Gravel patches will need to be maintained more frequently, costing you time and materials.


  • Check and monitor the pavement surface quality. Areas to look for include longitudinal grooves from pavement milling, rumble strips, and sections of rough or broken pavement.
  • Be mindful of pavement friction properties of paint markings, glass beads after pavement markings, steel plates, and so on.
  • Watch for loose gravel and sand.
  • Put thought into your use of liquids on the pavement surface; oil and other products can cause many issues for motorcyclists.

(Adapted from “Motorcycle Safety Awareness” by Tyler Tommila, New Hampshire LTAP Road Business, summer 2023.)